Serial Interface

The serial port of 8051 is full duplex, i.e., it can transmit and receive simultaneously.

The register SBUF is used to hold the data. The special function register SBUF is physically two registers. One is, write-only and is used to hold data to be transmitted out of the 8051 via TXD. The other is, read-only and holds the received data from external sources via RXD. Both mutually exclusive registers have the same address 099H.

Serial Port Control Register (SCON)

Register SCON controls serial data communication. 
Address: 098H (Bit addressable)
SCON Register
Mode select bits
SM2: multi processor communication bit 
REN: Receive enable bit 
TB8: Transmitted bit 8 (Normally we have 0-7 bits transmitted/received) 
RB8: Received bit 8 
TI: Transmit interrupt flag 
RI: Receive interrupt flag

Power Mode control Register

Register PCON controls processor powerdown, sleep modes and serial data bandrate. Only one bit of PCON is used with respect to serial communication. The seventh bit (b7)(SMOD) is used to generate the baud rate of serial communication.

Address: 87H
PCON Register
SMOD: Serial baud rate modify bit 
GF1: General purpose user flag bit 1 
GF0: General purpose user flag bit 0 
PD: Power down bit 
IDL: Idle mode bit

Data Transmission

Transmission of serial data begins at any time when data is written to SBUF. Pin P3.1 (Alternate function bit TXD) is used to transmit data to the serial data network. TI is set to 1 when data has been transmitted. This signifies that SBUF is empty so that another byte can be sent.

Data Reception

Reception of serial data begins if the receive enable bit is set to 1 for all modes. Pin P3.0 (Alternate function bit RXD) is used to receive data from the serial data network. Receive interrupt flag, RI, is set after the data has been received in all modes. The data gets stored in SBUF register from where it can be read.

Serial Data Transmission Modes:

Mode-0: In this mode, the serial port works like a shift register and the data transmission works synchronously with a clock frequency of fosc /12. Serial data is received and transmitted through RXD. 8 bits are transmitted/ received aty a time. Pin TXD outputs the shift clock pulses of frequency fosc /12, which is connected to the external circuitry for synchronization. The shift frequency or baud rate is always 1/12 of the oscillator frequency.

Serial Data transmission in Mode-0
Fig 1. Data transmission/reception in Mode-0

Mode-1 (standard UART mode) : In mode-1, the serial port functions as a standard Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) mode. 10 bits are transmitted through TXD or received through RXD. The 10 bits consist of one start bit (which is usually '0'), 8 data bits (LSB is sent first/received first), and a stop bit (which is usually '1'). Once received, the stop bit goes into RB8 in the special function register SCON. The baud rate is variable.

The following figure shows the way the bits are transmitted/ received.

Data transmission format in UART mode
Fig 2. Data transmission format in UART mode

Bit time = 1/fbaud
In receiving mode, data bits are shifted into the receiver at the programmed baud rate. The data word (8-bits) will be loaded to SBUF if the following conditions are true.
  1. RI must be zero. (i.e., the previously received byte has been cleared from SBUF)
  2. Mode bit SM2 = 0 or stop bit = 1.
After the data is received and the data byte has been loaded into SBUF, RI becomes one.

Mode-1 baud rate generation: Timer-1 is used to generate baud rate for mode-1 serial communication by using overflow flag of the timer to determine the baud frequency. Timer-1 is used in timer mode-2 as an auto-reload 8-bit timer. The data rate is generated by timer-1 using the following formula.
SMOD is the 7th bit of PCON register 
fosc is the crystal oscillator frequency of the microcontroller

It can be noted that fosc/ (12 X [256- (TH1)]) is the timer overflow frequency in timer mode-2, which is the auto-reload mode.

If timer-1 is not run in mode-2, then the baud rate is,
Timer-1 can be run using the internal clock, fosc/12 (timer mode) or from any external source via pin T1 (P3.5) (Counter mode).

Example: If standard baud rate is desired, then 11.0592 MHz crystal could be selected. To get a standard 9600 baud rate, the setting of TH1 is calculated as follows.

Assuming SMOD to be '0'
TH1 = 256 - 3 = 253 = FDH

In mode-1, if SM2 is set to 1, no receive interrupt (RI) is generated unless a valid stop bit is received.

Serial Data Mode-2 - Multiprocessor Mode :

In this mode 11 bits are transmitted through TXD or received through RXD. The various bits are as follows: a start bit (usually '0'), 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9 th (TB8 or RB8)bit and a stop bit (usually '1').

While transmitting, the 9 th data bit (TB8 in SCON) can be assigned the value '0' or '1'. For example, if the information of parity is to be transmitted, the parity bit (P) in PSW could be moved into TB8. On reception of the data, the 9 th bit goes into RB8 in 'SCON', while the stop bit is ignored. The baud rate is programmable to either 1/32 or 1/64 of the oscillator frequency.

fbaud = (2SMOD /64) fosc.

Mode-3 - Multi processor mode with variable baud rate :

In this mode 11 bits are transmitted through TXD or received through RXD. The various bits are: a start bit (usually '0'), 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th bit and a stop bit (usually '1').

Mode-3 is same as mode-2, except the fact that the baud rate in mode-3 is variable (i.e., just as in mode-1).

fbaud = (2SMOD /32) * ( fosc / 12 (256-TH1)) .

This baud rate  holds when Timer-1 is programmed in Mode-2.

Operation in Multiprocessor mode :

8051 operates in multiprocessor mode for serial communication Mode-2 and Mode-3. In multiprocessor mode, a Master processor can communicate with more than one slave processors. The connection diagram of processors communicating in Multiprocessor mode is given in fig 3.

The Master communicates with one slave at a time. 11 bits are transmitted by the Master, viz, One start bit (usually '0'), 8 data bits (LSB first), TB8 and a stop bit (usually '1'). TB8 is '1' for an address byte and '0' for a data byte.

If the Master wants to communicate with certain slave, it first sends the address of the slave with TB8=1. This address is received by all the slaves. Slaves initially have their SM2 bit set to '1'. All slaves check this address and the slave who is being addressed, responds by clearing its SM2 bit to '0' so that the data bytes can be received.
It should be noted that in Mode 2&3, receive interrupt flag RI is set if REN=1, RI=0 and the following condition is true.
  1. SM2=1 and RB8=1 and a valid stop bit is received. Or
  2. SM2=0 and a valid stop bit is received.

8051 in Multiprocessor Communication
Fig 3. 8051 in Multiprocessor Communication

After the communication between the Master and a slave has been established, the data bytes are sent by the Master with TB8=0. Hence other slaves do not respond /get interrupted by this data as their SM2 is pulled high (1).

Power saving modes of operation :

8051 has two power saving modes. They are -
  • Idle Mode
  • Power Down mode.
The two power saving modes are entered by setting two bits IDL and PD in the special function register (PCON) respectively.

The structure of PCON register is as follows.
structure of PCON register
The schematic diagram for 'Power down' mode and 'Idle' mode is given as follows:

Power Down and Idle mode implementation
Fig 4. Schematic diagram for Power Down and Idle mode implementation

Idle Mode

Idle mode is entered by setting IDL bit to 1 (i.e., ~IDL = 0). The clock signal is gated off to CPU, but not to the interrupt, timer and serial port functions. The CPU status is preserved entirely. SP, PC, PSW, Accumulator and other registers maintain their data during IDLE mode. The port pins hold their logical states they had at the time Idle was initiated. ALE and ~PSEN are held at logic high levels.

Ways to exit Idle Mode:
  1. Activation of any enabled interrupt will clear PCON.0 bit and hence the Idle Mode is exited. The program goes to the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). After RETI is executed at the end of the ISR, the next instruction will start from the one following the instruction that enabled Idle Mode.
  2. A hardware reset exits the idle mode. The CPU starts from the instruction following the instruction that invoked the 'Idle' mode.
Power Down Mode:

The Power down Mode is entered by setting the PD bit to  1. The internal clock to the entire microcontroller is stopped (frozen). However, the program is not dead. The Power down Mode is exited (PCON.1 is cleared to 0) by Hardware Reset only. The CPU starts from the next instruction where the Power down Mode was invoked. Port values are not changed/ overwritten in power down mode. Vcc can be reduced to as low as 2V in Power Down mode. However, Vcc  has to be restored to normal value before Power Down mode is exited.

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