A circuit in which the output voltage waveform is the integral of the input voltage waveform is called integrator. Figure 1, shows an integrator circuit using OP-AMP.

Figure 1

Here, the feedback element is a capacitor. The current drawn by OP-AMP is zero and also the V2 is virtually grounded.

Therefore, i1 = if and V2 = V1 = 0

Integrating both sides with respect to time from 0 to t, we get

The output voltage is directly proportional to the negative integral of the input voltage and inversely proportional to the time constant RC.

If the input is a sine wave the output will be cosine wave. If the input is a square wave, the output will be a triangu­lar wave. For accurate integration, the time period of the input signal T must be longer than or equal to RC.

Figure 2, shows the output of integrator for square and sinusoidal inputs.

Figure 2

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