Some of the important characteristics of a decimal number system are:
  • It uses a base of 10.
  • The largest value of a digit is 9.
  • Each place (column number) represents a different multiple of 10. Theses multiples are also called as weighted values. The weighted values of each position are as shown in figure below.

Most Significant Digit (MSD)
The leftmost digit having the highest weight is called as the most significant digit of a number.

Least Significant Digit (LSD)
The rightmost digit having the lowest weight is called as the least significant digit of a number.

Example: Represent the decimal number 532.86 in terms of powers of 10.
Solution:The required representation is shown below;
  • 532.86 = 5*102 + 3*101 + 2*100 + 8*10-1 + 6*10-2

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