Network is an electrical configuration in which various components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and voltage sources or current sources are electrically connected to each other. A network can also be called as circuit.

(i) DC Circuit

(ii) AC Circuit

The networks can be DC or AC depending on the type of source involved. For the DC circuits, the voltage and current sources are DC whereas AC sources are connected in the AC circuits. Example of a DC source is a battery and that of an AC source is the AC mains supply.

Classification of Electric Networks:

Classification based on presence or absence of sources

Active Network: If a network consists of an energy source, then it is called as an active network. The type of energy source can be a voltage source or a current source.

Passive Network: If a network does not contain any energy source then it is called as the passive network.

Classification based on the direction of current

Bilateral network: It is the network whose characteristics or response does not depend on the direction of current through the various elements in it. Resistive networks are bilateral type.

Unilateral network: If the characteristics, response or behaviour of a network is dependent on the direction of current through its elements in it, then the network is called as a unilateral network. The networks containing elements such as diodes, transistors, etc. are called unilateral network.

Classification based on separability of components

Distributed network: If the network element such as resistances, capacitances, inductances are not physically separable, then it is called as a distributed network. Example of a distributed network is the transmission line.

Lumped network: If the network elements can be separated physically from each other, then they are called as lumped network. All the simple electric networks are lumped network.

Classification based on linearity

Linear network: It the characteristics, parameters such as resistances, capacitances, inductances etc. remain constant  irrespective of changes in temperature, time, voltage etc., then the network is called as linear network.
  • We can apply the ohm's law only to linear networks.
  • The superposition theorem also is applicable only to the linear networks.
Nonlinear networks: If the parameters of a network change their values with the change in voltage, temperature, time etc., then the network is called as a nonlinear network.
  • The ohm's law is is not applicable to the nonlinear networks.
  • The superposition theorem also is not applicable to the nonlinear networks.

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