The schematic diagram of the power supply that provides output voltage of 15 volt at 0.500 A is shown in Figure 1. In this figure, a step-down transformer of 10:1 is used because it es readily available. The output of this transformer is then applied to the bridge rectifier, which convert the sinusoidal input into full-wave rectified output. The filter capacitors at the output of the bridge rectifiers are charged to the peak value of the rectified output voltage whenever the diodes are forward biased. Since the diodes are not fully biased  during the entire positive and negative half-cycle of the input waveform, the voltage across the capacitors  is a pulsating dc that is a combination of dc and a ripple voltage.
From the pulsating dc voltage, a regulated dc voltage is extracted by a regulator IC.

Parts Required
T1 = Transformer (step-down)
D1 = Diode (IN4007)
D2 = Diode (IN4007)
D3 = Diode (IN4007)
D4 = Diode (IN4007)
C1 = Capacitor (1500 uF)
U1 = Voltage Regulator IC (LM7815)
C2 = Capacotor (1 uF)

Input/Output Waveforms

In above diagram, AC waveform is Input Waveform.
DC waveform is Output Waveform.

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