This is a versatile power supply that will solve most of the supply problems arising in the everyday work of any electronics workshop. It covers a wide range of voltages being continuously variable from 30 V down to 3 V. The output current is 2.5 A maximum, more than enough for most applications. The circuit is completely stabilized even at the extremes of its output range and is fully protected against short-circuits and overloading.
Circuit Diagram
The power supply is using a well known and quite popular VOLTAGE STABILIZER IC the LM 723. The IC can be adjusted for output voltages that vary continuously between 2 and 37 VDC and has a current rating of 150 mA which is of course too low for any serious use. In order to increase the current handling capacity of the circuit the output of the IC is used to drive a darlington pair formed by two power transistors the BD135 and the 2N3055. The use of the transistors to increase the maximum current output limits the range of output voltages somewhat and this is why the circuit has been designed to operate from 3 to 30 VDC. The resistor R5 that you see connected in series with the output of the supply is used for the protection of the circuit from overloading. If an excessively large current flows through R5, the voltage across it increases and any voltage greater than 0.3 V across it has as a result to cut the supply off, thus effectively protecting it from overloads. This protection feature is built in the LM723 and the voltage drop across R5 is sensed by the IC itself between pins 2 and 3. At the same time the IC is continuously comparing the output voltage to its internal reference and if the difference exceeds the designers standards it corrects it automatically. This ensures great stability under different loads. The potentiometer P1 is used to adjust the out put voltage at the desired level. If the full range from 3 to 30 V is desired then you should use a mains transformer with a secondary winding having a rating of at least 24 V/3 A. If the maxi mum voltage output is not desired you can of course use a transformer with a lower secondary voltage output. (However, once rectified the voltage across the capacitor C2 should exceed by 4-5 volts the maximum output expected from the circuit.
Parts List
BD 135
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